Project Requests: Pages /apps/project-request/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx RSS feed for the Pages list. Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:04:58 GMT Microsoft SharePoint Foundation RSS Generator 60 en-US Project Requests: Pages /apps/project-request/_layouts/15/images/siteIcon.png /apps/project-request/Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx default /apps/project-request/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=1 Page Content: ​â¶Ä‹

​â¶Ä‹The minimum timeframes are estimates only and are subject to change due to the scope of work, staff project and attendance schedules, and holidays.​  â€‹â€‹


Conference Center:

One Week:

  • Hoteling: 1-2 SCCOE Employees who typically work elsewhere, but need a Ridder Park desk for the day while on-site

Two Weeks:

  • Meetings: less than 20 people (hosted by an SCCOE meeting organizer with mostly SCCOE employees during business hours)

Six Weeks:

  • An Event with 20+ people 
  • An Event held on the weekend
  • Meeting or Event hosted by an external partner (regardless of size) 


Two Weeks:

  • Community Tabling Materials (existing)
  • Request to borrow ​SCCOE Branded items​ (tablecloth, backdrop, etc)
  • Photography

Three Weeks:

  • Press Event
  • °Õ°ù²¹¾±²Ô¾±²Ô²µ²õ​

Four+ Weeks:

  • Site or Program Tours
  • Planning Support

Eight Weeks (Two Months):

  • Dedication
  • Event Consultation​
  • Holiday/Recognition Event

Graphic Design Services:

Two Weeks:

  • General Graphics (Print, Digital/Web)

Three Weeks:

  • Brochure
  • Flyer
  • Invitations
  • Poster
  • Presentation Assistance
  • Special Signage, Display

Four+ Weeks:

  • Event Program
  • Newsletter (Print)

Eight Weeks (Two Months):

  • Annual Report/Publication
  • Curriculum Toolkit

Language Services:

One Week:

  • Letters/Flyers Translations

Two Weeks:

  • IEP Interpretation
  • Posters
  • Video Translation

Three Weeks:

  • Forms
  • Legal Interpretation
  • Social Media Toolkit
  • Web Pages

Four+ Weeks:

  • Brochures
  • IEP Translation​
  • Legal Documents
  • Meeting/Event Interpretation

Five+ Weeks:

  • 50 Pages+


Two Weeks:

  • Flyer Text
  • Impact Weekly (external audience)
  • Letter/Email
  • Media Alert
  • Monday Memo (internal audience)
  • News Release
  • Newsletter/Articles
  • Scripts/Speeches/Remarks
  • Talking Points

Three Weeks:

  • Brochure Text
  • Resolutions

Four+ Weeks:

  • Paid Advertising
  • Report Text

Social Media

Two Weeks:

  • Scheduling a Post on SCCOE Accounts
  • Social Media Graphic Design

Four+ Weeks:

  • Paid Social Media Campaign

Eight Weeks (Two Months):

  • Social Media Campaigns


Two Weeks:

  • AV Equipment
  • PSA Announcement
  • Video Post-Production
  • Videotaping
  • Voiceover

Four+ Weeks:

  • Live-Streaming Support
  • Promotional Video
  • Podcast (Consultation)
  • Remote Productions
  • Studio Productions
​â¶Ä‹ *Timeline does not include content creation or post-production editing.

Webinar/Large Virtual Meetings

Two Weeks:

  • Recording
  • Recording Post-Production
  • Support and Consultation

Four+ Weeks:

  • Scheduling (* Subject to availability)

Note: Please submit individual requests for each service item desired for your project (i.e. video and photography services for the same event should be individual requests).​


Page Content 4: ​â¶Ä‹

Charles Doan Thu, 24 Oct 2019 20:05:42 GMT /apps/project-request/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=1