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SALES CALLS AND CONTACTS: The COEs Purchasing Units office hours are from 7:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. To save time and ensure that you receive adequate attention, we recommend scheduling an appointment before coming to the Purchasing Unit. Courtesy visits are not encouraged as they can disrupt the daily workflow. Vendors may contact the Buyers directly by phone or email. Buyer information may be found on the Purchasing Staff page of this website. VENDOR REGISTRATION: Purchasing maintains a list of interested vendors. The COEs New Vendor Application Form may be viewed and printed from this site in .pdf format. Upon receipt of the completed form, your firms name will be included in the vendor list. The SCCOE will strive to notify vendors of upcoming bids or quotations; however, the SCCOE does not guarantee notification to vendors for every bid or quotation. Failure to respond to three (3) requests for quotes or bids may result in removal from the vendor list. Return all requests and mark them as No Bid in order to remain on the list. METHODS OF PROCUREMENT: PETTY CASH: The COE personnel are authorized to make purchases up to $200 in cash. OPEN PURCHASE ORDER (also referred to as a Blanket Order): This is a line of credit established with a variety of vendors to allow COE personnel to obtain unanticipated supplies or services directly from vendors on an as-needed basis for a specific period of time, not to exceed a specific dollar amount. Competitive price quotations may be solicited and award may be made to other than the lowest priced vendor based on criteria such as location of the vendor to the requesting department and completeness of inventory. Authorized names need to be included in the blanket purchase order. FORMAL BIDDING: Formal bidding procedures are utilized when the cost of supplies, materials or equipment required on a single purchase exceeds the current bid limit as identified in Public Contract Code Section 20111. The process required in receiving sealed bids, publicly opening the bids and awarding the purchase to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. INFORMAL BIDDING: This informal process for a single purchase differs from formal bidding in that quotations are solicited from at least three (3) vendors. These quotes can be obtained either by telephone, fax, email or mail and are not normally advertised. Award is made to the lowest responsible vendor meting specifications. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP): This is used primarily for services and highly technical commodities. An RFP differs from a formal bid that proposals may be solicited. The following criteria are considered when evaluating which proposal is the most advantageous to the COE: Cost to the COE Quality of the proposed service Capabilities and expertise of the vendor Ability of the vendor to perform Past service record/references Proposal that best meets all the requirements of the COE. ** It is important that the vendor/s review the purchase order to obtain the correct address to submit invoices. The purchase order issued by the COE includes contact information for questions regarding payment information. Invoices may be returned to the vendor if mailed incorrectly. SHIPPING: All orders must be delivered to the address specified on the purchase order. Vendors should not deliver goods to an alternate address unless authorized by Purchasing, as the processing of your payment may be delayed as a result. CHANGES IN ORDERS: The purchase order is the COEs contract with the vendor. Any changes to the contract must be approved in writing by the General Services Department/Purchasing Unit. BILLING AND PAYMENT: The County Office of Education requires invoices to be submitted in duplicate. The purchase order number MUST appear on all invoices, shipping tags and all correspondences relevant to the order. Payment is made only upon delivery and acceptance of all materials, equipment or services as specified on the purchase order. Every attempt will be made by the COE to process payments within 30 days. TAX: The COE pays California State sales and use taxes when applicable and is exempt from Federal Excise Tax. INSURANCE: Vendors providing services for the COE will be required to submit proof of insurance coverage as specified by the COE Risk Manager. Questions on the requirements can be answered by contacting Risk Management at 1(408) 453-6925. BID AND PERFORMANCE: Bonds may be required when it is necessary to protect the interest of the COE. However, contracts issued by the General Services Department/Purchasing Unit generally do not require bonding. GIFTS AND GRATUITIES: The COE maintains a strict policy prohibiting the acceptance by its employees of gifts and/or gratuities from any vendor or potential vendor. MINORITY, SMALL AND LOCAL BUSINESS: The Office of Education is committed to promoting business with minority, woman-owned, small and local businesses. Any questions regarding the SCCOEs purchasing policies, processes and procedures may be addressed by contacting Purchasing Services at 1(408) 453-6858.     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