
Chemical Attack

A chemical attack is the deliberate release of a toxic gas, liquid or solid into the environment.

Signs of chemical attack

If you see signs of a chemical attack, follow these steps.

  1. Quickly get away from the contaminated area.
  2. If the chemical is inside the building, exit the building without passing through the contaminated area.
  3. If you can't get out of the building, find clean air without passing through the contaminated area.
  4. Move as far away as possible from the contaminated area and shelter-in-place.
  5. If you are outside, go the closest place where you can get clean air.

Using a facemask for protection during a chemical attack

A facemask or barrier can help protect from air contaminants. Here are a few ideas for creating a facemask or barrier.

If you are exposed to a chemical agent, you will be given orders by the local authorities to evacuate or shelter-in-place.

If exposed, here are the steps for decontamination:

  1. Remove clothing and place in sealed plastic bag
  2. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water.
  3. Seek medical attention.