


  1. DROP to the floor.
  2. Take COVER under a sturdy desk or table, or against an interior wall. Avoid windows, tall furniture or hanging objects.
  3. HOLD onto the furniture and HOLD your position until it is safe to move.
  4. EVACUATE THE BUILDING when it is safe. Do not run.
  5. ASSEMBLE without delay in your designated area.
    - Report all absences to the Staffing Deployment Team.
    - Report for duty if you are a member of an emergency team.
  6. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS from the Emergency Operating Center Director/Incident Commander.
  7. DO NOT return to the building before it has been declared safe.
  8. Don’t light matches, candles or other fires.

Threat of Explosion

  1. Don't light matches, candles or other fires.
  2. Evacuate the building.
  3. ASSEMBLE without delay in your designated area.
    - Report all absences to the Staffing Deployment Team.
    - Report for duty if you are a member of an emergency team.
  4. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS from the Emergency Operating Center Director/Incident Commander.
  5. DO NOT return to the building before it has been declared safe