

The term "shelter-in-place" means remaining inside your home or place of work and protecting yourself there from a hazardous outside environment. If a radiological, chemical or biological emergency occurred, local authorities may direct you to shelter-in-place or evacuate.

Steps for shelter-in-place:

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Go inside the building and bring students indoors immediately.
  3. You can provide a minimal amount of protection to your breathing by covering your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.
  4. Close and lock all windows and outside doors.
  5. Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems.
  6. Gather your disaster supplies and battery-powered radio.
  7. Go to an interior room ideally without windows. If there is a chemical threat, a room above ground is preferable.
  8. Use duct tape (wet towels if you don't have duct tape) to seal doors, exhaust fans, vents, and windows.
  9. Listen to the radio or TV for emergency instructions and shelter-in-place until you are told it is safe.