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The data definitions are designed to enable schools to furnish contextual or comparative information to assist the public in understanding the information in relation to the performance of other schools. Cal. Educ. Code 33126.1(c)(2). Please note that school districts are not required to use the standardized template, but must report data in a manner that is consistent with the data definitions.Ed Code 33126.1(j). Section VI, SARC Template School Facilities Conditions and Planned Developments (School Year 2012-13)Specific RequirementsDefinitionsAccurateInformation not Reported by DistrictCommentsYesNoSafety, cleanliness, and adequacy of school facilities, including any needed maintenance to ensure good repair. EC Section 33126(b)(8) EC Sections 17002 (d), 17014, 17032.5, 17070.75(a), 17089(b)Description of safety, cleanliness, and adequacy of the school facility. Description of any planned or recently completed facility improvements. Description of any needed maintenance to ensure good repair as specified in statute. "Good repair" means the facility is maintained in a manner that assures that it is clean, safe, and functional as determined pursuant to a Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT) developed and approved by the State of California Office of Public School Construction (OPSC). The FIT evaluates a school facilities good repair status with ratings of good, fair, or poor. The FIT also provides an overall rating of the conditions at each school on a scale of exemplary, good, fair, or poor. The instrument shall not require capital enhancements beyond the standards to which the facility was designed and constructed. Note: the local educational agency (LEA)/school may use a locally developed school facility inspection and evaluation instrument so long as it meets the same criteria as the instrument developed by the OPSC and the same criteria specified in Education Code Section 17002(d). Descriptions should use the most recent available data collected by the LEA. The year and month in which the data were collected should also be identified.  Section VI, SARC Template School Facilities and Conditions School Facility Good Repair Status Guidelines and Data Sources (Examples from California Department of Educations SARC Template) Narrative is developed and provided by the local educational agency. Are students safe on school grounds before, during, and after school? Before and after school supervision Limiting/controlling unauthorized access during school day (e.g., entrances, procedures for check-in/visitors, supervision of grounds and buildings) Does the school facility have sufficient classroom, playground, and staff spaces to support teaching and learning? Classroom space Playground space Space for staff What is the general condition of the school and is it cleaned on a regular basis? Age of school/buildings Maintenance and repair Cleaning process and schedule for classrooms, restrooms, grounds For reporting the results of the most recent site inspection, provide information about the determination of good repair as documented in a completed Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT) or its equivalent. For any item (e.g. any item marked with D or X in a completed FIT) inspected and found not to be in good repair, describe the deficiency and the remedial action already taken or planned. Note the school site inspection date, the completion date of the Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT) or its equivalent, and the date of any remedial action taken or planned. Examples of unacceptable summary statements on the condition of school facilities are as follows: The LEA has ensured that this school has facilities that are safe, clean, and adequate, and that any needed maintenance to ensure good repair has been or will soon be completed. For more information about the condition of this schools facilities, contact the school principal. Section VI, SARC Template School Facilities and Conditions School Facility Good Repair Status Guidelines and Data Sources (contd.) (Examples from California Department of Educations SARC Template) Examples of acceptable summary statements on the condition of school facilities are as follows: General: The LEA takes great efforts to ensure that all schools are clean, safe, and functional. To assist in this effort, the LEA uses a facility survey instrument developed by the State of California Office of Public School Construction. The results of this survey are available at the school office, at the LEA office, or on the Internet at [web site address]. Below is more specific information on the condition of the school and the efforts made to ensure that students are provided with a clean, safe, and functional learning environment. Age of School/Buildings: This school has 20 classrooms, a multipurpose room, a library, and an administration building. The main campus was built in 1965. Additions were constructed in 1968 and 1972. Two portable classrooms were constructed in 1997 for Class Size Reduction. The school opened in 1990 with all portable buildings. In 1995, permanent classrooms were built. The multipurpose room was built in 1997. Maintenance and Repair: LEA maintenance staff ensures that the repairs necessary to keep the school in good repair and working order are completed in a timely manner. A work order process is used to ensure efficient service and that emergency repairs are given the highest priority. Cleaning Process and Schedule: The LEA governing board has adopted cleaning standards for all schools in the LEA. A summary of these standards is available at the school office, at the LEA office, or on the Internet at [web site address]. The principal works daily with the custodial staff to develop cleaning schedules to ensure a clean and safe school. Section VI, SARC Template School Facilities School Facility Good Repair Status Guidelines and Data Sources (contd.) (Examples from California Department of Educations SARC Template) Deferred Maintenance Budget The LEA participates in the State School Deferred Maintenance Program, which provides state matching funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis, to assist LEAs with expenditures for major repair or replacement of existing school building components. Typically, this includes roofing, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical systems, interior or exterior painting, and floor systems. For the [ 2013-14 ] school year, the district has budgeted $[ ] for the deferred maintenance program. This represents [ ]% of the LEAs general fund budget. Deferred Maintenance Projects (if applicable) For the [ ] school year, the districts governing board has approved deferred maintenance projects for this school that will result in the replacement of the roof on the multipurpose room and the installation of a new fire alarm system for all classrooms. The districts complete deferred maintenance plan is available at the district office or on the Internet at [web site address]. Modernization Projects (if applicable) During the [ ] school year, local bond funds [Measure ], and state matching funds will be used to install new air conditioning in all classrooms, provide wiring for technology, and provide for an upgraded electrical service. The work on this project is scheduled to begin in [ ] and be completed prior to the start of the [ ] school year. New Construction Projects (if applicable) Architectural planning for replacing five portable classrooms with permanent classrooms will begin during the [ ] school year. State and local bond funds will be used. The new classrooms are scheduled to be occupied by students in the [ ] school year. Data provided by LEA. Williams SARC Data Verification Tool District _________________________________________________ Date____________________________________________ School __________________________________________________ Reviewer________________________________________ The following worksheet is designed to assist county superintendents in determining the accuracy of the data reported on the school accountability report cards (SARCs) of Decile 1-3 schools as required by Education Code section 1240(c)(2)(j)(iii). The worksheet provides the specific statutory requirements to be reported in the SARC, as well as data definitions from the standardized SARC template adopted by the State Board of Education. The data definitions are designed to enable schools to furnish contextual or comparative information to assist the public in understanding the information in relation to the performance of other schools. Cal. Educ. Code 33126.1(c)(2). Please note that school districts are not required to use the standardized template, but must report data in a manner that is consistent with the data definitions. Cal. Educ. Code 33126.1(j). Section IX, SARC Template Curriculum and Instructional Materials Quality, Currency and Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2012-13)Specific RequirementsDefinitionsAccurateInformation not Reported by DistrictCommentsYesNo The SARC must detail the availability of sufficient textbooks and other instructional materials, for each pupil, including English learners, in each of the core curriculum areas of reading/language arts, mathematics, science and history/social science; foreign language and health; visual and performing arts; and science laboratory equipment for grades nine through twelve as appropriate. If the governing board determines that there are insufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, it shall include information for each school in which an insufficiency exists, identifying the percent of pupils who lack sufficient standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials in each subject area. The subject areas to be included are all of the following: The core curriculum areas of reading/language arts (including the English language development component of an adopted program), mathematics, science, and history/social science. Foreign language and health. Science laboratory equipment for grades 9 to 12, inclusive, as appropriate. "Sufficient textbooks or instructional materials" means that each pupil, including English learners, has a standards-aligned textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home. This paragraph does not require two sets of textbooks or instructional materials for each pupil. Sufficient textbooks or instructional materials does not include photocopied sheets from only a portion of a textbook or instructional materials copied to address a shortage. Note: The sufficiency requirement for the core areas of English-language arts (including the English language development component of an adopted program), mathematics, science, and history-social science applies to all students, including English Learners. However, the sufficiency requirement for foreign language, health, science lab equipment and visual and performing arts applies only to students enrolled in those courses. While Education Code Section 60119 does not require a finding of sufficiency for textbooks or instructional materials in visual and performing arts, the SARC does require this information. Education Code Section 33126(b)(6)(A) Education Code Section 33126 (b)(6)(B) Education Code Section 60119 (c)  List of all textbooks and instructional materials used in the school in the core subjects (English language arts [ELA], mathematics, science, and history-social science), including: The year in which they were adopted Whether they were selected from the most recent list of standards-based materials adopted by the SBE (kindergarten and grades one through eight) or the local governing board (grades nine through twelve), and which are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum frameworks adopted by the SBE For kindergarten and grades one through eight, the list of textbooks and instructional materials should also include any supplemental curriculum adopted by the local governing board If schools with kindergarten and grades one through eight are using textbooks and instructional materials that are not from the most recent state-approved list, provide an explanation of why non-adopted materials are being used and how they are aligned with state standards. If an insufficiency exists, the description must identify the percent of pupils who lack sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. The formula for the percent of students lacking their own assigned copy of textbooks and instructional material is: (The number of students lacking their own assigned copy of textbooks and instructional materials) -divided by- (The total number of enrolled students at the time of the Fall Census Day [first Wednesday in October]) The description should use the most recent available data collected by the Local Educational Agency (LEA). The year and month in which the data were collected should also be identified.  Guidelines and Data Sources Local governing board resolutions concerning the adoption and availability of sufficient textbooks and instructional materials should contain much of the information needed for this reporting element. In addition, LEA curriculum departments should have records of the ordering and distribution of adopted textbooks and instructional materials. Data provided by LEA School Accountability Report Card Williams Related Requirements County Office responsibility for verifying the SARC under current law: A priority objective when visiting decile 1-3 schools is the accuracy of data reported on the school accountability report card with respect to the availability of sufficient textbooks and instructional materials as defined by Section 60119 and the safety, cleanliness, and adequacy of school facilities, including good repair as required by Sections 17002 (d), 17014, 17032.5, 17070.75 (a), and 17089(b). (The sections of the SARC template referenced in the chart above.) The School Accountability Report Card (SARC) template and data definitions were revised in May 2005 by the State Board of Education to include additional reporting elements mandated by the Williams settlement. The following is a guide to the sections of the SARC template ( HYPERLINK "http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/documents/tempword09.doc" http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/documents/tempword09.doc) and data definitions  HYPERLINK "http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/documents/definitions09.pdf" http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/documents/definitions09.pdf ) where these changes can be found: New or Revised Reporting ElementSARC Template SectionData Definition TitleGood repair condition of school facilities and status of facility improvementsSection VI School Facilities - Condition of the schools grounds, buildings, and restrooms and planned or recently completed facility improvementsFacility Conditions and Planned Improvements School Facility Good Repair StatusAvailability of sufficient textbooks and other instructional materialsSection IX Curriculum and Instructional Materials Quality, Currency, and Availability of Sufficient Standards -Aligned Textbooks And Other Instructional Materials Quality, Currency, and Availability of Textbooks  When preparing the annual SARC, LEAs are required to collect and report the most recent available data, and identify the year and month in which the data were collected.      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