ࡱ>  (bjbj$$ ~F|F|QBB$444P4L4&n4888N&P&P&P&P&P&P&$i(+t&@t&88&6"""R88N&"N&"":&%,"%8&1_^R% :&&<&\%R+L &+%+%"kt&t&r"^&+B b: High School Instructional Materials Survey and Course Section Information To Be Completed by the School/District C.2.1 AND C.2.4Course/Course #Listing of Instructional Materials/Publisher/Edition purchased for all students enrolledTotal Materials PurchasedTotal Students Enrolled# of Sections++Periods, room numbers, with # of students enrolled and special designations*English / Language ArtsMathematicsHistory / Social Science and ScienceForeign LanguageHealth ++ May utilize the Master schedule to give this information EXAMPLE for English Language Arts Instructional Materials Survey High School Instructional Materials Survey and Course Section Information Course  Listing of Instructional Materials / Publisher / Edition purchased for all students enrolled Total Materials Purchased Total Students Enrolled # of Sections ++Periods, room numbers, with # of students enrolled and special designations* English / LAEnglish I Reading*McDougal Littell, Language of Literature, Grade 9, 2002 SRA REACH, 2002 Corrective Reading Level C Comprehension ( Student Book) Comprehension Workbook Decoding Student Book Decoding Workbook Spelling Workbook225 30 30 30 30 30200 20 6 1Period 1 RmD-8 30 students Period 2 Rm D6 24 Students Period 3 Rm D-6 15 Students * (RS) Period 4 Rm D-7 30 students Periods 1/2 Rm D-4 20 students * English IIMcDougal Littell, Language of Literature, Grade 10, 20022252007List as aboveEnglish IIIMcDougal Littell, Language of Literature, Grade 11, 2002 And Novels.. Catcher in the Rye, Salinger Crucible, Miller The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald225 90 3 class sets of each novel2007English IVOther English Language Arts Courses AP English HighPoint  ++ May utilize the Master schedule to give this information Secondary Visitation Worksheet (For county offices to document classroom visitations.) The secondary visitations are centered around courses rather than classrooms. COE teams will visit 20% of all the possible sections of courses in each required Williams subject area. With this method not all of the courses offered in a required Williams subject area would necessarily be visited, but all required subject areas will be visited. Example of Constructing a Secondary Visitation Schedule: Using English Language Arts as an example - a school has 10 sections of English 1,2,3 and 4 respectively (40), 4 sections of intensive reading (in lieu of core), 1 section Special Day English and 12 sections of other English sections for which English credit is given. The COE team would need to visit 20% of all these English courses (57 sections of English x 20% = 11 classrooms). With this method not all English courses offered would necessarily be visited. Use this same method to determine the number of mathematics, science and history/social science classrooms that also need to be visited. From the information given in the Instructional Materials Survey, the Course Section Information and the Master Schedule (periods/room numbers/enrollment), COE teams can build the visitation list with randomly selected courses. List randomly selected courses to be visited, including special designationsInstructional Materials For all studentsRoom #Periods with Number of Students in each period Sufficient Materials To Use and To Take Home ( write in student/book numbers) YES NO YES NO CommentsEnglish 1McDougal Littell, Language of Literature, Grade 9, 2002 D-8Period 1 (30)Reading ( in lieu of core) SRA REACHD-4Periods 1/2 (20)English 11McDougal Littell, Language of Literature, Grade 10, 2002F-2Period 2 (32)English III McDougal Littell, Language of Literature, Grade 10, 2002 And novels: Catcher in the Rye, Salinger- Crucible, Miller- The Great Gatsby, FitzgeraldF-3Period 3Pre AlgebraPrentice Hall Pre-algebraB-1Period 1 (25)AlgebraPrentice Hall AlgebraB-2Period 2 (30)Biology ( Lab Science) Prentice Hall Biology, 2000 Lab workbook B-1Period 3 (28)ChemistryEarth Science Templates for county offices to build random list for classroom visitation. Target is to visit 20% of the course sections in each core subject area. For English Language Arts including courses in lieu of core List Randomly selected ELA courses to be visited.Instructional Materials Room#Periods with Number of Students in each period Sufficient Materials To Use and To Take Home YES NO YES NO Comments For Mathematics List Randomly selected Math courses to be visited.Instructional Materials Room#Periods with Number of Students in each period Sufficient Materials To Use and To Take Home YES NO YES NO Comments For History/Social Science List Randomly selected Math courses to be visited.Instructional Materials Room#Periods with Number of Students in each period Sufficient Materials To Use and To Take Home YES NO YES NO Comments For Science (including science laboratory classrooms) List Randomly selected Science courses to be visited.Instructional Materials Room#Periods with Number of Students in each period Sufficient Materials To Use and To Take Home YES NO YES NO Comments For Foreign Language and Health courses List Randomly selected Foreign Language and Health courses to be visited.Instructional Materials Room#Periods with Number of Students in each period Sufficient Materials To Use and To Take Home YES NO YES NO Comments High School Enrollment Form C.2.4 (to be completed by the school/district) School: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________ District: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name and Title of Person Completing Form _______________________________________________ Principal _____________________________________________________________________________ Current EnrollmentTotal SchoolNinthTenthEleventhTwelfth INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS SURVEY C.3 HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL 9-12 Science Lab Equipment WORKSHEET DISTRICT: ____________________________________ DATE: __________________________ SCHOOL: _____________________________________ Complete for each 9-12 science course which is locally designated as a laboratory science course. List Courses Locally Designated as Science Laboratory Courses (include # of sections and room numbers where equipment is available for student use.)Science 9-12 Laboratory EquipmentList equipment available for all enrolled students in each course and the amount of equipment available for student use. List periods offered in each classroom Typical class size Example List Courses Locally Designated as Science Laboratory Courses (include # of sections and room numbers where equipment is used)Science 9-12 Laboratory EquipmentList equipment available for all enrolled students in each course and the amount of equipment available for student use. List periods offered in each classroom Typical class sizeBiology 8 sections in rooms B3 and B4Microscopes (12) Thermometers (12) Scales (12) Sink and running water? ( 8 stations)B3 Periods 1,2,3,4 B4 Periods 1, 4,5,6 28Chemistry IA - 4 sections in rooms B4 and B7Graduated Cylinders (14) - -B4 Periods 5,6 and B7 Periods 1,2 26Comments: Students work in lab groupings of 3-4     PAGE  2007 Training Materials/Instructional Materials/ FILENAME HighSchool_IMSurvey_2007.doc Page PAGE 2 2007 California County Superintendents Educational Services Association * BI = Bilingual; RS= Resource: SD= Special Day; OSE=Other Special Education; Advanced Placement=AP * BI = Bilingual; RS= Resource: SD= Special Day; OSE=Other Special Education; Advanced Placement=AP; IJq| }        ( - . 4 5 ; < C H I O P ɺɺɺɺɺɺɺɺɺɺɺɺɰ0jh=h7D5U_HaJmHnHsHtHh=h5h=h7D5\ h=h7Dh=h7D5h=h7DCJaJh=h7DCJ(aJ(h=h7DCJaJ(h=hCJ(aJ(h=h7DCJ aJ(8J  + | } ss$1$7$8$H$IfgdXFfekd$$If667074 6ag KF$$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gd $$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gdX :++$1$7$8$H$IfgdXkd$$If6Tֈ !>&*6  ((j0 074 6ag KF $$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gdX :++$1$7$8$H$IfgdXkd$$If6Tֈ !>&*6  ((j0 074 6ag KF $$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gdX :++$1$7$8$H$IfgdXkd$$If6Tֈ !>&*6  ((j0 074 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